What makes me a Beautiful Disaster? I fought for what was mine and to keep it.
How do I identify with the brand? I've read how other women had changed their situations.
Life has been hard and lonely.
I kept fighting, never backing down and not letting others take something from me that matters.
I have worked for the Post Office for 7 years and for the last 4 years I have had to fight with all my life to keep my Job.  There is one person who has a vendetta against me.  And every time I turned around he was trying to fire me, make me resign or quit.  I had fought these actions every day.  It got to the point where I was in serve depression for months being off of work with little pay.
Then, in June, I came into work and I was on route 15.  This route I'm not able to do due to having asthma.  So I asked the Acting postmaster who was going to deliver the route and he said me. I told him that I could not due to my asthma.  He told me to set the route and go home.  And ever after that day I came in and set the route and was send home.  This brought me to 10 hours per week.  Slowly my finances went to hell, depression got worse.  I was secluding myself, screaming for this to end.  Finally I made a EEO complaint for discrimination of my disability (asthma).  The next time they tried to fire me for having an argument with a  supervisor who stated yelling at me because another employee asked how I was feeling since I was out for asthma issues.  Then the EEO Specialist was told they where trying to fire me and he called them and told them to think twice about it.  Well they didn't drop it and it was added to my EEO complaint as retaliation and added it to my complaint.  When it was brought to the Union level it was agreed to a suspension on my record.  But. again they failed to make me resign, quit or fire me.  At this time I had become financially and emotionally, physically run to the ground.  I and my son were evicted from our apartment. But, with everything that was going on I was trying to make solutions which I did. I fought everything they threw at me mentally, physically and emotionally and I'm still working there.
Right now my life is slowly getting better.
My favorite Beautiful Disaster item is You Don't Know My Story.  Behind every person is their own story.
I was asked to tell my story and this is it.

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December 15, 2022