What makes me a Beautiful Disaster is the fact that I survived DV, have to deal with constant anxiety, PTSD, and a traumatic brain injury, but still manage to move forward and take care of my 3 kids and work for the Social Security Administration. I am in love with who I am becoming, but am still not quite where I want to be. I have survived sexual and domestic abuse (in all forms), but am still super hard on myself. 
The BD brand resonates with me because of several things: I am, myself, a "Beautiful Disaster." I am clever and capable, but I find myself in the "darnedest" situations and am constantly getting things wrong and am a klutz - due to my TBI. I am still worthy and I have so much more to do and to give. I also love how comfortable the brand is, because I am now trying to get comfortable in my own skin. I also love the font you all use and love the use of feminine symbols and skulls. That's TOTALLY me!
Since leaving a 23+ year abusive marriage, things have been tough financially, for sure, for me and my kids. We've had to move twice and struggled to make ends meet, but in the end we are all safe -- no more violence at home. My abuser hasn't made things easy, but he did us all a huge favor when he moved three states away. 
I had a horrible time for a while, having to move twice, declare bankruptcy, change jobs several times, work a part-time job on top of a full-time one, legal issues concerning the abuse case and all the postponements involved. It was hellish, and I didn't want my life like this, so I took charge and made what changes I could. I promised myself that, no matter what, I would NEVER go back! 
I feel like I can breathe now. I am also doing advocate work in the form of assisting victims and survivors personally, through speaking live and on podcast interviews, running a DV resource/survivor blog called DVWalkingWounded.me, a community activist trying to get a DV bill passed in Indiana, and a future podcaster. Due to the abuse causing a hearing loss, a TBI, and PTSD/anxiety, Vocational Rehabilitation recommended me for a job at Social Security in 2018 and I got it! I get to help people every day and I LOVE it! I met a wonderful man that taught me that all men are not abusive and we've been together over three and a half years. I am trying to start my own line of DV survivor items, such as healing aids and t-shirts, as well as writing a class and a few books. I feel as though God kept me safe and I want to help keep others find safety. It's now become my calling.
My favorite item from the BD catalog has been discontinued, so I don't possess it. I wanted the camo hat that says, "Beautifully Broken, Perfectly Imperfect, Beautiful Disaster." That's me to a "T." It's funky, yet lovely. 

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May 05, 2022