I am a Beautiful Disaster because of the trials and tribulations that I have gone through since I was a child growing up in California. I am here to gain strength from other Beautiful Disasters like myself and I am a person who likes to see other’s happy before myself.

I identify with the brand because of the things I've been through in my life. I grew up where physical and mental abuse was common in family by the hands of my grandmother for about 22 years of my 40 years of life and I was subjected to 2 sexual molestations as a child. I do not always tell people what has happened in my life because everyone has problems, and we all learn from them at some point in our lives.

Life has not been easy for me. I was born with high-functioning autism, learning disabilities, mental health issues, physical health issues, and subjected to bullying because of being different than my peers. Growing up with all those issues has made it hard for myself in school. I had to be in special education classes till I graduated high school. Having the abuse and molestations happen to me has made me have PTSD and I have anxiety around men which has turned into that I can not work because I fear every man is going to hurt me. I also chose the wrong friends to be around and tried drugs because it at that time was taking my pain away.

I stopped using drugs after a year of starting cold turkey. I now surround myself with better friends who encourage me to go for my dreams and goals in life. I’m going to college and, yes, at 40 years old I am in college going for 2 degrees which I hope will help me reach my goal of financial freedom, so that I don’t have to be on social security anymore.

Life right now is living in a 5th wheel trailer on my friend’s ranch on the central coast of California. Currently going to college in San Luis Obispo to earn 2 degrees one being Liberal Arts: Art & Humanities and the other is Theater Arts. I have been dating my boyfriend for 6 years now and we hope to move out of state sometime soon. Moving would be a fresh start in a new state away from all the bad memories of growing up.

I have only bought a few items so far because being on a limited income, but I really like hoodies. I like hoodies because I am a person who gets cold easily. I do not like the weather when it is under 90 degrees. Also, hoodies can be worn with anything at anytime no matter where you’re going. I hope I can buy more items soon because everything looks very pretty.

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June 21, 2022