Mary's Story: I've Lived A Dozen Lives

I am a Beautiful Disaster because have Malignant Glioblastoma and a mentally challenged son from a stroke at 3 months. We live together and HE is my inspiration in Life. I identify with the brand because of ALL the sayings, quotes, the “Perfectly Imperfect” people, who are all Perfect in their own ways…Just like me.
I was born a very natural ass. At two years old, I went up to a very young couple in a park with my parents, and told them they were my new mommy and daddy freaked them completely which was hilarious.
At eight years old, I was molested by one of my dad’s very good friends and he didn’t find out until I was 21. That’s life I suppose.
At 17, I was approached by State highway patrol on the FBI because I told the teacher I was psychic and I knew about the bomb threat on Blanche at Bridge, but that was just me being a smart ass. She called the police, so I was visited by some Missouri State highway patrol and the FBI.
At 18, I was raped by my boyfriend, which ended up being my eldest child, who is now 35. This was before date rape was a thing.
At 20 years old, I started professionally kickboxing. I did that for six years and was 33 and zero never got beat. It probably would’ve been 34 and zero, but the last girl dropped out of the fight at the last minute. At 22, I was kidnapped by a guy I was dating for three days and duct taped to a chair. I finally got out and got in my car.
My son who is going to be 33 in December had a stroke at three months old because Doctor misdiagnosed him with asthma and he had pneumonia and RSV also known as respiratory system virus.
At the age of 35, until 43, I had a boyfriend who was a severe alcoholic and severely abusive. It took me eight years to get away from him. I’m so much better now that I’m not with him. Nobody should have to put up with that type of abuse. If you’re in that situation, please get out as soon as possible! It may be hard, but you’ll be happier down the road.
At 40 years old, I fell 18 feet and shattered my left foot and ankle. There was nothing connecting it back to my leg again. I had three surgeons from St. John’s Hospital here in St. Louis that told me I would never walk again. About a month later I was contacted by Craig Aubuchon who is an orthopedic surgeon for the St. Louis Blues and the St. Louis Cardinals and the Rams when we had them. He put Humpty Dumpty here back together again and now I can not only walk, but I can wear heels too once in a while.
In 2013, at the age of 44, I was diagnosed with malignant Glioblastoma, which is also terminal brain cancer. There is no cure for it and cannot use medication, radiation or chemotherapy to help. It is what it is. I have lasted 10 years after I was given 18 months to live and I’m still going. In 6 months it’ll be 11 years!
In 2016, on the same exact date, they found out my tumor that had been removed had regrown. It had completely grown back and it is now going through the membranes in my brain.
I have raised a total of three boys on my own from the time I was 18 until now. Never a husband or boyfriend to help. It was tough, but I NEVER let it get to me.
I lost my youngest child one month ago and that was pretty hard but we’re moving on. No choice.
Life has thrown me TONS of curve balls just like a lot of people and I give them all a fast ball in return ;} My Son having his stroke changed my life forever. Some good, some bad…but it’s ALL worth it!
My oldest child has given me three absolutely beautiful grandchildren. I have two granddaughters and a grandson. My oldest granddaughter was born without fibulas and my grandson was just born a month early in March this year. He came early and he has medical conditions as well (cataracts in both eyes, deaf, fluid in his abdominal area and fluid around his heart). He also had thickening in the skin at the back of the neck, which was a precursor for down syndrome. He does not have down syndrome, but there is something wrong. It doesn’t matter, he’s healthy and he’s beautiful and he’s my grandson and that’s all that will ever matter…he’s healthy.
We’re just working through it. We have always been able to make it through these trials and tribulations, and I don’t give up, I never have and I never will.
I have lived at least a dozen lives and my 53 almost 54 years on this planet and I will make it through every one that I may have coming up. I have my story just like everyone has theirs and unless I tell you about it nobody does know my story, so that’s absolutely one of my favorite things about Beautiful Disaster. That one and if you throw me to the wolves I WILL come back leading the pack. I always have and always will.
I appreciate you all for doing what you’re doing and for helping those of us that are an absolute Beautiful Disaster. I have been through hell and back and we’re still going and I really think you guys are helping us all A LOT! I can’t speak for anybody else but I absolutely love you all like family. I have everything you sell and I will continue to have everything you sell as long as I have the money! So, thank you very much for everything you’re doing for me and everyone else and Godspeed. I hope you all continue to have a thriving business as you do right now.
Denise Allen said:
I love your clothing line I’m a survivor of many things so I can relate to your Brand. I’m a 3 Cancers 2 times Survivor. And I love life and I love people and I just want everyone to be safe healthy and happy. ♥️♥️♥️
Sheryl Mckinney said:
Her story tore my heart out… your story Elizabeth crushed me.
So sorry for your loss of this strong amazing woman. Hopefully she taught you to never give up. I truly hope Karma righted all the wrongs that were ever done to this woman.
God speed your healing ❤️🩹
Tammy said:
Oh my goodness this lady was a warrior. RIP angel
Elizabeth Fleming said:
My aunt just lost her battle with terminal cancer yesterday morning. Luckily she went in her sleep. I feel like I was jipped of my person to turn to. All of us were. Cancer doesn’t discriminate because I feel like after I have smoked and drank most of my life and been so hard on myself, she was a good girl…. Never drank , never smoked, taught me and her children and everyone she came into contact with, good morals and values. And it took her. They have her 5yrs, she went 6. I hope you last forever beautiful woman.