Cara's Story: You Don't Know My Story

My name is Cara and I'm from Minnesota. I'm 34 years old now. I been through most horrible things, almost my whole life, from birth until 29 years old. My so called mother let 95% boyfriends and guy friends do whatever they want to do to me. My so called father abandoned me when I was 14 years old. A lot of so called friends used me for money and so on. I dealt with human trafficking from about 15 years old until 29 years old. The monster who did this to me also did awful things to me while he was human trafficking me. I was forced to do drugs and then some drugs I kept for pain, numbing my whole body, turn off my emotions off and shut down mode. But, there's still times where drugs were forced in my body. I tried to get away few times, but failed. I have a son who is 10 years old now and his name is Kayden. I love him so much. The monster had me under the influence while the monster's aunt and him lied, mislead and so on like telling me that I had too many cps cases open and cps will take my son away from me for good. They told me that my best option is letting the monster's aunt adopt my son so I can see him and talk to him. Also, they said I don't need a lawyer to help me. I finally found a way out this abuse. I knew I needed help with my addiction. So, I lied to the monster that my PO said that I can go to inpatient treatment or go to jail for awhile. I was scared that it wouldn't work out, but luckily it did work.
I went to inpatient treatment on March 20th, 2018. Since then, I'm safe and protected by my recovery family and friends. The adoption was finalized at the end of June 2018 and I didn't know until a day later. Then four months after that, the aunt cut ties with me by December 2018. I'm still safe, protected by my recovery family and friends. I haven't seen and talked to my son for about 4 years. I really miss him and love him so much. I think about my son every day.
I did asked legal aid to help me, but they can't cause it's a complex case. I can't afford a lawyer. No matter what I will fight somehow to get my son back. I don't know what kind of lawyer that I need when that time comes. The monster is in prison for six years and only for receiving profits from prostitution. The court system dropped two human trafficking charges and one deadly assault with weapon charge. The monster best friend is the first guy that I was forced. Also the monster best friend is the so called father of my son, but I don't want anything to do with him. My grandparents, my brother Josh & his family, and my brother KC & his family miss my son so much too. It's hurting all of us really bad.
You don't know my story...Her wounds transformed her into a warrior because nothing stronger than a broken woman who had to rebuild herself. I'm a Beautiful Disaster because I'm alive and not dead from all types of abuses including human trafficking most of my life. Nobody saved me and protected me from it.