Ashley Price: Evil has been in my life since I was born
1) what makes you a beautiful disaster?
I am a beautiful disaster because I'm 33 years old and have been through what no man or woman has been through. Evil has been in my life since I was born. And I have fought hard to keep it away. When things hit hard I break like a disaster but rebuild myself better and more beautiful.
2) why do you identify with the beautiful disaster brand?
I identify with this brand so much because of how it is so positive and builds everyone up and that is what I've spent my life doing... is building others up. I've been so far down in life to where I have begged God to kill me or tried to take my own life because of the abuse I've been through was so shattering and I had no support to pick me up. But to see this brand it's like the exact words I've been saying for years and I tell everyone I come in contact with because I know what it's like to be where you have no one and it has made me so much tougher.
3) what has life been like for you?
I'd like to say life has been easy for me but it's been so hard and full of constant struggles. I've survived 10 years of straight domestic violence and sexual assault. In that time I've sustained 40 Traumatic Brain Injuries which has left me with a totally new lifestyle that has been so hard to cope with because my brain literally tries hurt me at times especially when it is hot and my brain swells and I spent so long mourning who I used to be but Ive morphed into so much more. And have also had both my daughters who are almost 14 years old come back into my custody full-time only to find out for 8 years their biological father was doing everything a father shouldn't to his daughters, so I've had to teach them to be strong all while battling my own inner demons and them. And about 2 almost 3 years ago my youngest of my daughters who are twins, was diagnosed with Type one diabetes and is a type of diabetic who is brittle so when things go out of whack with her blood sugars she easily goes into Diabetic Ketoacidosis, which can easily lead to her death. I've had to watch her almost die 5 times now so Life has been extremely hard. And have been going through a divorce which is almost finalized in November, which I am very happy about. I have finally put all the toxic men and women behind me who wanted to change me or could not accept that I am not your normal girl and am straight positive energy. But through it all I'VE GLOWED THROUGH WHAT IVE GONE THROUGH.
4) what happened for you to turn it around?
What was the turning point was going back to school for Human and Social Services because I always liked helping others ever since I was 5 years old and always doing community service. Through that program I gained so many certifications such as my AAS in Human and Social Services, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Core Advocacy training from the YWCA that their advocates receive, Suicide Prevention Awareness training, Mental Health First Aide, and Patient Navigation. These certifications gave me the knowledge and power to realize I was in control of my life and so I cleaned house on the bullshit.
5) what is your life like now?
My life now is soooooooo much happier and healthier. I am with my best friend since 10th grade who loves me just as I am and makes me laugh all the time. I have been able to be a positive role model for my daughter's to see how to help themselves get through their trauma as well as others I've come in contact with. I utilize my knowledge for my job where I work at the Walla Walla Alliance for the Homeless, I do mobile outreach for our homeless in the community and I give the ability for the clients at the camp to take a shower, it's a dirty job but the gratitude my clients give me is worth it. And the insight I give them to help guide them they just love. I also utilize my cosmetology background to give the clients haircuts so they can feel better about themselves and it gives them the leg up they need for people to give them the chance they need.
6) what is your favorite item from beautiful disaster and why?
If I had to pick one item it's my GLOW THROUGH WHAT YOU GO THROUGH hoodie. That whole line really instantly caught my attention because even in the darkness I've been through I've always managed to stay colorful and spread that positivity and color to the world around me.
Connect with me:
Instagram- @colorfulimpact