Elizabeth's Story - I was shot in the face by my son.
What makes you a Beautiful Disaster? My will to fight and put one foot forward to whatever the day brings me. I almost died in March 2024.
Why do you identify with the Beautiful Disaster Brand? I survived a gunshot wound to the face and want to tell my story.
Tell us your Beautiful Disaster story: I'm 58 years old. I was shot in the face by my son, who was on meth, in March 2024. I was life-flighted to two hospitals and stayed at the second one on life support for four days and in the hospital for two weeks. I came home on Easter Sunday and had to start a life-changing process. I was shot with a shotgun that had bird pellets. They did surgery for eight hours, trying to pick pellets from my face, throat, etc. I lost my left eye and am still living with approximately 30 plus pellets in my face. Several are in the eye that couldn't be removed because they are too close to my brain. While this happened, they found an underlying condition in my good right eye: an AV fistula and an aneurysm. I am recovering from brain surgery I had on June 17, 2024. Every day is a challenge I face, but with my strength and faith, I'm still able to walk, talk, drive, etc.
What happened for you to turn it around? My faith in God.
Name 3 things you’ve done to move closer to happiness: Accepted the faith I was given. I fight every day to be a better person. I want to tell my story to all who deal with addictions of all kinds.